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Message Bus Warwick

Youth provision in Warwick has significantly reduced in recent years and the opportunities for young people to engage in positive activities varies across areas.

Anti-Social behaviour is one of the towns policing priorities and some of our estates are experiencing increased levels of youth anti-social behaviour. Many of our children and young people are experiencing social exclusion, deprivation and spiritual and emotional poverty as they face challenges such as anxiety, self-harm and sexual pressure.

Transforming Communities Together Warwick is working on exciting plans with The Message and a range of partners to secure a Message Bus for Warwick. The buses are specially designed with the latest high spec gaming facilities and leisure activities that are a big attraction for young people. Message Bus teams usually operate across countries e.g. Wales and Scotland or in large areas such as Liverpool, Manchester, London and Yorkshire. They regularly see transformed lives and a reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour in some of the most deprived and hard to reach inner city areas.

The Message Bus Team Warwick will be made up of trained youth workers and local volunteers who want to connect with their local community and build relationships. The bus will go into local estates with little or no youth provision and be responsive to incidents involving young people. We aim not just to provide a ‘mobile youth club’ and occupy young people for a few hours a week but build positive, consistent relationships and deliver programs that can transform lives.

The bus will also be made available during school hours acting as an education provision for local schools in the week supporting the educational, social, emotional and spiritual development of some of our most at risk and disengaged young people.

Youth 2

This is an ambitious project that has required fundraising in excess of 180k but we believe the young people of Warwick deserve the best and we have the ambitious aim of ending youth anti-social behaviour in our town.

If you are interested in supporting this project financially, being involved in the outreach team or would like more information please contact Stacey Bains.